Friday, December 30, 2016

Winter Warfare

Andrew throws a snowball at Anni Seed  Headss up  He looks in dismay as Anni and her cousin Pepper Mint use Pepper's antlers as a slingshot for a giant snowball  Andrew: That's not fair  Anni and Pepper: All is fair in love and war

Never engage a cartoon deer in an arms race.  And never use the phrase "arms race" in front of one, because she might decide to interpret it literally. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Gift Exchange

Steve and Mel laugh, realizing that they gave each other the same present, vampire repellant, for Christmas

When cousins or roommates threaten to drain your blood for long enough, you develop a reputation. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Santa Q&A

Santa answers letters  Dear Santa, What is your opinion on browser cookies  Not as tasty as real cookies, but they have their uses  Dear Santa, Where did the fat Santa stereotype come from  The Great Cookie Binge of 1821  Never live it down  Dear Santa, Who was responsible for the creepy lyrics in Santa Claus is Coming to Town  Black Pete: Heh  Santa: Yes, would you like to explain that one, Pete  Dear Santa, What's your favorite color  Green

But Mrs. Claus thinks he looks good in red, so he goes along with it. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Tinsel and Error

Girl prepares a catapult: Tinsel  Brother: Tinsel  Girl: Ready, aim, Fire  The tinsel lands in a lump on the Christmas Tree  Dad: I could have told you it wouldn't work  Girl: It just needs to be evened out  Do we have another box of tinsel
It turns out that the word "tinsel" specifically means the shiny strands attached to a string as a garland (you know, the kind that looks like a feather boa).  The individual strands are called "lametta."  And there's probably almost two people in the country that actually care. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Western Wild

Don't forget to shake out your boots  You never know what might have crawled into them during the night  At morning a cowboy dumps an octopus out of his boot, despite being in a desert

Just close your eyes, count to ten, pray it's not an omen of worse things to come, and then see what you can get for it at the next trading post. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Exact Words

French Teacher speaks to class  Welcome to French 321  After today, no English will be spoken in this class without my express permission  Students: No English, you say in German  You really should be more specific in Russian  How was your vacation, Greg in Arabic  Pretty good I got some sleep in Japanese We like shiny things in Norwegian  Do you think she understands any of this in Greek  It's unlikely in Maori  Long live the Revolution in Afrikaans

Not quite what she had in mind. 

I know people are going to bug me about what they're actually saying, so here's the transcript: 

"No English, you say?"  (in German)
"You really should be more specific."  (in Russian)
"How was your vacation, Greg?"  (in Arabic)
"Pretty good.  I got some sleep."  (in Japanese)
"We like shiny things!"  (in Norwegian)
"Do you think she understands any of this?"  (in Greek)
"It's unlikely."  (in Maori)
"Long live the Revolution!"  (in Afrikaans)

Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to dedicate this cartoon to Google Translate, for making it possible.  I also dedicate it to the kind people who will ignore any and all errors the aforementioned translator provided.  Thank you. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Signs of the Times

Driver's Ed teacher quizzes class: Now, who knows what blue and white signs like these are used for  Student: They're used for hospitals, rest areas, and other services  Teacher: I see you did the reading  Good job  Last of all, does anyone know what signs like this one mean  Shows picture of sign riddled with bullet holes  Student:  People with guns live here, proceed with caution  Teacher: Excellent  Girl: There's one like that near my uncle's house

A proper Driver's Ed instructor will prepare his students for all hazards they may encounter while on the road (minus getting stranded in North Dakota because you fed the radiator chili sauce, because let's face it - if you're dumb enough to get into that situation, no amount of instruction can save you). 

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Cupcake War Begins

Poster: Keep Calm and Carry a Big Stick  Pearl puts sign reading Pearl's Cupcakes Hands Off on table  Pearl: Do I make myself clear  Mel: Not entirely  Behind Pearl's back, Carmine reaches down from the ceiling to grab a cupcake

Battles are won and lost.  Kingdoms rise and fall.  But nothing can stay the power of the cupcake.  Tread carefully, lest it consume you (metaphorically, because you're the one who's supposed to consume it).

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pretty Brainless

Osiris and Hel play chess  Osiris: Prepare to be humbled  Hel: Really, now  Hey, Anubis  Anubis: Yes  Hel: You're the one who mummified Osiris, right  Anubis: That's right  Hel: Didn't the Egyptians usually take out mummys' brains  Anubis: Sure did  Hel: So does that apply to Osiris  Anubis: Yep  Removed it myself:  Osiris: For the record, I don't actually need it  Hel: Checkmate
To be fair, I don't know for sure if Osiris really had his brain removed.  But given that Anubis does, on record, still have most of Osiris' innards in his possession, it's good guess.

On a related note, I just discovered that the beastie that Anubis is supposed to be was recently confirmed to be not a subspecies of golden jackal, but a separate species closer related to wolves, which is now called the African golden wolf (though I doubt the Ancient Egyptians knew the difference).  Funnily enough, it looks less wolf-like than actual jackals. 

This is the final Deities of Death comic for the year, so Osiris, Hel, and Anubis bid you all farewell for now and a happy Halloween!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Slow Day

The Grim Reaper, Sedna, Hel, Osiris, and Thanatos, clearly bored, doze on the couch and watch TV: and now we gently whisk in the batter while adding in  Loudspeaker: A man trying to steal live wires during a thunderstorm is now ready for pickup  The Death Deities rush the door: He's mine  Move it, people  Out of my way  I've got it

Overlapping mythologies = job redundancy = occasional work shortage = boredom = desperation.  Therefore, overlapping mythologies = desperation.  Or something. 

Today's competitors are Grim, Sedna, Hel, Osiris, and Thanatos.  Maybe they'll learn to share. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Been There, Punished That

The First Time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades: What  How dare he mock me  I am lord and master of the Underworld, and there will be retribution  The 834th time  Servant: Lord Hades, there's a mortal who cheated death  Hades plays Candy Land with Persephone and Cerberus: Don't interrupt me  I'm on a winning streak

Priorities often shift over time, frequently as a result of increased maturity.  Whether or not this qualifies is up for debate.

Today's Deity of Death comic features Hades, Persephone, and Cerberus. And before anyone asks, yes, I updated the look of Hades' helmet.  While the old design was derived from certain Ancient Greek helmet styles, it was still just something I threw together when I first drew him.  This new one is a combination of the old design and the Greco-Illyrian style helmet, which hopefully looks more appropriate for his King-of-the-Underworldness. 

Friday, October 7, 2016


Woman walks past cemetary  A grave cracks open and a vampire bursts out: Ha-ha  The grave cannot hold me  Tonight I feast on the blood of the living  The Grim Reaper appears and swings his scythe, claim the vampire's soul  Ghost: Come on  Really  Grim: I'm getting a little sick of these guys  Woman: Um my hero

October has arrived once again, and that can mean only one...  okay, it can mean quite a lot of things, but on this particular site it usually means the Deities of Death are back, which they are.  Yays!

Today's comic stars none other than the Grim Reaper, who has put up with one too many undead entities. 

Friday, September 30, 2016

Questions Asked

Poster: Ask Questions  Science teacher: Now before we continue, does anyone have any questions  Every hand in the class is raised  Maybe I should burn that poster

My sixth grade science teacher loved students getting engaged and asking questions, but even she sometimes doubted the wisdom of having a poster encouraging questions hanging up during her particularly inquisitive fourth-hour class.  I can't remember for sure, but I probably was a contributing factor. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

High School Lesson #3103

A fencing sword falls from the roof, nearly hitting students below  Fencer: Sorry  Don't let the fencing team duel on the roof  Not now  Not ever

There are many, many, many reasons why this is a bad idea.  Arguably one of them is the very fact that it involves allowing psychotic freshmen to handle pointy objects, but I'm pretty sure that at least at this particular school, the point is moot. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hold the Fort

Sign: Welcome to the Eastpoint Library  Patron speaks to librarian at desk: Hi, I'm  Librarian: Clio Newbery, come to pick up the books you put on hold  Clio: Er, yes  How did you know  Librarian: Oh, everyone here know who you are  points behind her  Clio turns around: What do you  oh  An entire shelf of books labeled Reserved for C Newbery  Librarian: I don't think you'll be able to fit it all in a wheelbarrow this time

When all the librarians in the state know you by name and favorite authors...
When you require six library cards to legally check out everything...
When people openly speculate over how you manage to read everything before the due dates...
...Then you may check out too many books from the library. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sitting Duck

General speaks to troops: The negotiations with Chief Sitting Duck's tribe need to go well, so  Soldier: Sitting Duck  Seriously  General: So under no circumstances can you make fun of his name  If this goes wrong, they'll almost certainly attack us  Soldier: Yeah, I'm pretty sure we could take them  General: Let me put it this way  If there's a fight, my wife will deal with whoever was dumb enough to start it  Woman brandishes an ax while holding a dead chicken  General shakes hands with Native chief: Greetings, Chief Sitting Duck  It's an honor to finally meet you  Chief: Your men, are they feeling well  Soldiers think in unison: Don't laugh, ax-lady will drink me

I figure that there's always going to be at least one language in which your name sounds really weird.  Hopefully it's not your own. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

One Nation, Really

Californians in Wyoming take photos of buffalo up close  Park Ranger: Get away from it, you idiots  New Yorkers in Hawai'i play with lava  Ranger: Get away from there, you idiots  Louisianians in Minnesota don't understand snow  What is this stuff  Idahoans in Florida have never seen a palm tree  Palm trees are real

While I may not know for certain about the others, panels #1 and #4 are completely accurate. 

And on the flipside, it turns out that Arizona of all places does have experience with snow.  It helps that the rim of the Grand Canyon is at a high enough altitude that it can get below freezing in the winter.  Proof: 
...but I'm pretty sure having a snowball fight up on the edge would end badly.  

Friday, August 5, 2016

Vampiric Flytrap

Potted flytrap bites and drains fluids of nearby plant  Shop worker: Hey, Jeff  About this new variety of Venus flytrap

Genetic modification has officially gone too far. 
Fun fact:  Venus flytraps actually grow pretty flowers.  Who'd have thunk it?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Fossil Fortunes

Fortune teller dinosaur gazes into crystal ball: Your descendants will be small, twittering, flying creatures that are kept as pets

...And others will be kept as crowing farm animals that everyone says other things taste like. 
Sorry about that.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Insomniac Dreams

Erin wanders a surreal, distorted room  Something doesn't seem quite right  Am I dreaming  She flies  Yep, I'm dreaming  Realisation  I actually managed to fall asleep

Yes, this really happened.  Sleep deprivation + lucid dreaming experience = weirdness. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Hairy Light Cultists

Moths worship a lit bug zapper  The light is powerful  The light is all
Name:  Euxoa auxiliaris, otherwise known as the "army cutworm," the "miller moth," or the "airborne ick."

Physical Description:  Small, brown, ugly, and hairy.

Intelligence:  Low.  Really, really low. 

Behavior:  Will charge about chaotically, oblivious to all obstacles (including walls), even after crashing into them repeatedly.  The concept of "boundaries" is lost on them.  Have an all-consuming fascination with light sources of any kind, indicating that they haven't yet figured out that they're supposed to be nocturnal.  The entire species may be drunk. 

Benefit to the Ecosystem:  Bat food.  That's it. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Goldilocks Grahams

Campers inspect food  Someone's been eating my trail mix  Someone's been eating my hot dogs  Someone's been eating my s'mores, and they took all of them  A bear happily eats the s'mores
Although why anyone would leave a perfectly good s'more unattended is beyond me. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Huge Plot Twist

Book: Panda says I Love You by Margaret Mince  Page one  I love you  Page two  The end  Adult reader: Is it just me, or are children's books getting really dumbed down these days

It's just you.  I think. 

While poking around the local library, I noticed several children's books that all had titles along the lines of "X does/says Y."  I never got around to checking what was actually on the inside, and I assume it's more substantial than this, but I can't imagine how. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Driving Me Crazy

Why my brother and I can't stand each other's driving  Speed limit 50 fifty  Alex at 55 miles per hour: Driving is so much more fun when it's like a roller coaster  Erin hangs onto seat in fear  Erin at 45 mph: Aren't those clouds pretty  Alex bangs head against dashboard whap

The two of us may have slightly different opinions on what constitutes "fun." 

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Spot of Donut Trouble

Anni Seed opens empty donut box  Anni: Hey  What happened to all the donuts  Andrew: I was hungry and you were slow  You'll survive  Anni pulls her spots off, throws them like shuriken, pins Andrew to the wall  Andrew: Or I could go buy you a new box  Anni: That would be very thoughtful  Now give my spots back

You'd think he'd know better than to come between a reality-warping cartoon deer and her pastries.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Seven-Inch Scourge

Vampires are more terrifying as squirrels  Zombies are more terrifying as squirrels  Necromancers are more terrifying as squirrels  Insurance salesman are more terrifying as squirrels

Of course, regular squirrels are pretty terrifying.  Despite their reputation as cute, fuzzy nut-lovers, they are known to engage in predatory behavior on a disturbingly frequent basis.  They can and do eat insects, birds, smaller rodents, and snakes.  This is most commonly seen in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, a creature which coincidentally also inspired the Goldy Gopher mascot of the University of Minnesota.  Don't mess with Goldy if you know what's good for you. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Honest Vending Machine

The start of the semester  healthy  The first day of finals week  caffeine engery drinks  The end of finals  I scream ice cream  girl eats carton of ice cream

Most people I know need ice cream by the end of finals, even if they passed them all. 

Before anyone asks, yes this comic is a day late.  Under normal circumstances it would have been finished on schedule, but some family commitments came up that ate up all my time.  By the end of the day I had completely snapped and was laughing hysterically at air bags, and so was completely beyond accomplishing anything even remotely productive.  So I'd like to thank everyone for being understanding (you are understanding, right?), and for allowing the deadlines for this comic to be a wee bit more flexible than those of school projects. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

He Was Methstaken

Student: I can't believe you posted flyers for our math club's party without checking for typos  Sorry  It can't be that big of a deal though  Right  Points to flyer, reads Come to our Meth Party  Oh  Police lights and sirens  And that would be the cops, right on cue  But they'll understand, right  Right

I was going to make a "Typos:  Not Even Once" joke, but that's probably in poor taste. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Descended Too Far

Pug, Chinese Crested, and Chihuahua dogs hold sign reading Proud Descendants of Wolves  Wolf asks Wait, what

Despite what you might guess, dogs and wolves are still technically the same species, and hybrids between wolves and things like poodles exist.  Thankfully, I'm pretty sure a hybrid between a wolf and a Chihuahua can't happen (knock on wood). 

Apparently Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, and hybrids of the two, are regular contenders in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest.  This alone says volumes. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Art Most Modern

Email  Subject: Art Project  Don't forget, the assignment is due today  Art students shout  It was today  Hurridly apply paint to canvas in a variety of unconventional methods  Squirting, hand and finger painting, holding brush in mouth, shoes, paint roller  In the classroom they display the finished paintings  Student: My composition shows an abstract impression of plant life, rendered in organic textures  This is contrasted by the saturated, synthetic colors, which themselves display complementary contrast  You've got paint on your face  Teacher: Excellent work everyone  You all get A's

The rule these days seems to be that if you argue loudly enough that it's art, it's art.  It's a good thing that this isn't the case with the laws of science, or we'd all be in a lot of trouble. 

That said, all of these are better than some of the actual works I've seen on display at a modern art museum, which don't even have the excuse of last-minute panic.  There was one that looked like it had been thrown together using a spirograph and junk from under the couch cushions.  Another was composed solely of twelve blue tiles, with the shade of blue of each being determined by how many times the "artist" had used the bus in a particular month (the most interesting part of that one was a place that had accidentally been scratched).  And then there is the one that is literally nothing more than a black, football-shaped blob on white paper.  Do I need more examples, or have I made my point?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

Yolked Together

Two pioneer boys have thrown eggs at the ox pulling their covered wagon  Son: But Ma, you told us to yoke the ox  Mother: First of all, that's not even a good pun

Of course, most people I know consider "good pun" to be an oxymoron.  Which coincidentally is what you'd call these two guys. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Joke's on Who?

Pearl's alarm clock beeps at 7:00 AM  She goes into the bathroom, sees her reflection in the mirror, and sees two red, apparently bleeding spots on her neck  Pearl screams: Mellll  Mel and Carmine eat breakfast  Mel holds bottle labeled Costume Blood Makeup: How did she know it was me  Carmine pours a glass of purple blood:  Because I wouldn't try anything funny with the girl who sleeps with an ax  Also, did you really have to put food coloring in my stash  Mel eats cereal: Absolutely
Baiting already dangerous roommates is now officially considered an extreme sport.  As declared by me, because I can. 

Note:  Yes, the color is late.  Again.  But at least I colored in the important parts, right?

EDIT:  Color pixels found!  Oh, most glorious delight and joy!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Like a Lion

Picture of a lion and a lamb in a lion costume  March  Comes in like a lion  Goes out also like a lion

Let's be honest here.  Mother Nature cares nothing for your cutesy idioms.  If she wants to send you frost and tumbleweeds the whole month, then you're going to get them whether you like it or not.  Just accept it like an adult and move on. 

Friday, March 18, 2016


Two boys  You made a dodo statue out of donuts  Yup  I call it a do-donut  First boy eats it all  It's extinct

I've never understood why dodos are the poster child for recently extinct animals.  I can think of at least half a dozen more interesting extinct animals off the top of my head, yet the most famous one remains an ugly flightless pigeon-thing that people seem to only care about because it's extinct.  Funnily enough, its closest living relative really is one of the more interesting species of pigeon. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Stare Contest

Medusa the gorgon tries to keep her eyes open, but blinks  Dang it  Why can't I ever win a staring contest  Her opponent is a stone statue

One of the many Chuck Norris "facts" I've heard is that he beat Medusa in a staring contest. 
Not that hard, actually. 

Friday, February 12, 2016


Roommate baffled by flames inside fridge  What  H-h-h-how  I mean  it's really  doesn't compute  How  Well, uh, funny story  How  Third girl pulls out fire extinguisher  Great  You broke the fridge and our roommate

A mysterious incident involving leftover egg cassarole, fermented carrot juice, a report card, and a rubber chicken. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

Mighty Monk!

It's Super Vampire vs Mighty Monk  prayer bead lasso

Who shall fight Super Vampire?  The one and only Might Monk!  Nobody tell the Pope about this. 

Speaking of oddball superheroes, I finally finished that "Christmas Creep" cartoon from last month, so you can all go look at the finished product now.  Enjoy!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

I Am the Walrus

Man to vampire with elongated fangs: So what are you, some kind of walrus-man  Vampire: I told you the fang extensions were a bad idea

Pride comes before looking ridiculous.  At least there aren't any vampire eggmen so far. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Employee Restrooms

Signs that your workplace has a disproportonately large number of female employees  Two workplace restrooms, one labeled Men's Restroom, Sometimes

This is, quite seriously, what's on the doors of the employee restrooms at my workplace.  Given that there are only about four guys out of the 40+ workers, it's pretty justified. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Easier Said

Male student: So, did you make any New Year's resolutions  Amy: Yes to breathe  walks away  Boy: That's not uch of a resolution, is it  Girl reading book: Oh, you don't know Amy very well  Amy offscreen: Gah  Where's my pen  I left it right here  I need my pen  Amy, will you calm down  You have about fifty of them

There are some things that don't come quite as naturally to certain people.