Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year's Night

Unicorn and cat try to sleep while a dog celebrates  Happy New Year  Cat: And I resolve to sedate you next year

This has been a very long week and I am very tired, so in order to preserve some semblance of that thing you humans call "sanity," I decided that trying to draw something funny while unable to think straight was a bad idea.  But fear not, because you get this somewhat amusing and applicable doodle I did a couple years ago.  Happy 2013!  Here's to another year of insanity, half-baked doomsday theories, cat-infested websites, and chocolate.  And maybe sleep if we're lucky. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Joy Ride

Black Pete and elves fly with Santa's sleigh and reindeer as animated snow falls

Black Pete strikes again, this time joined by a trio of elves with cabin fever and some crazy flying caribou. 
I wanted to do something special for Christmas this year, so here it is, for better or worse.  To my family, yes, this is the reason I've been hiding in my room for the last week. 

To everyone in general:  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Last-Ditch Effort

Letters read  Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is to pass my Calculus class  I've been very good  Sincerelly, Robin Grey  Dear Santa, For Christmas, I just want to pass my finals  However, if this is too much trouble, then some chocolate and a stress ball to get me through the aftermath would be much appreciated  Thank you, Lina Yates  Dear Santa, I really need to ace my Civilization test, and a Christmas miracle would be really, really nice  Pretty please  Love, Ed Johnson  Santa sits in a mountain of letters: Ah, finals week  We meet again  Elf:  So this is why you've been avoiding your e-mail lately  Sir  Twelve more bags just arrived

Santa's inbox is probably in the quintuple digits by now.  Looks like he'll be putting his time-warping powers to good use.  Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I've just been finishing up my finals for this semester, and then I'm off on break.  And I might have even passed all of my classes.  *Gasp!*  Does this mean I'm actually allowed to get some sleep? 

Nah, must be my imagination. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Thought That Counts

Vampire family at the door, with the daughter holding a plate of cookies  We just wanted to stop by and bring you some treats  Mom: How sweet  Thank you so much  Merry Christmas  Steve: Blood biscuits  My favorite

There are several perils of having vampires for neighbors, and not just from the threat of becoming a midnight snack.  Poor Steve can't catch a break. 

But 'tis the season, so we should at least try to love (or at least tolerate) our neighbors, regardless of their eating habits. 

And before anyone asks, I'm honestly not sure if Steve's mom A) is just being polite, B) is unaware of what's in those cookies, or C) actually likes blood biscuits. 
Though if it's the last one, I deeply pity her non-vampire relatives. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Rules are a Lie

Music Theory 1:  Teacher has chord progression chart stating I love Bach and No parallel 5ths  You must follow these rules exactly when writing music  Bach will kill kittens if you don't  And Major 7th chords are evil  Evil  Music Theory 4:  Teacher is drawing on the whiteboard chaotic music  Today's lesson: Set Theory  Yay Atonality  All right  Sing these chords  Erin: whimper

Have I mentioned before that I'm a music major?  No?  Okay then.  I'm a music major.  Composer, cartoonist, and general starving artist at your service. 

In any case, I tend to run into a lot of rather bizarre stuff.  Case in point, my first-semester theory teachers, who liked to pretend that music had hard-and-fast rules that lasted now and forever.  Then comes Theory 4, in which all the rules get thrown unceremoniously out the window and we learn, as one student put it, how to speak whale. 

It's not all bad weird, though.  Sometimes we have fun.  The other day my teacher discovered this song, which my class then sung on a Christmas caroling expedition to the Theory 1 class.  So to kick off this holiday season, I'll share it with you. 
And if you don't find it even half as funny as I do, well, I won't be mad. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black-Out Friday

Black Friday for normal people  Chaotic mass of safari animals  Black Friday for the rest of us  Dog sleeps peacefully by the fire

To all the employees who have bosses either sadistic enough or oblivious to human suffering enough to force you to have the stores opened before midnight on Thursday, you have my profound sympathy. 

In my tradition of defying stereotypes, I'm a girl who hates shopping, even under normal circumstances (unless it's at a book store and not involving textbooks).  Thus, I am at a complete loss as to why anyone, sane or not, would subject themselves to this.  Hint:  If a shopping spree becomes violent enough to warrant being featured on the MSN homepage, there is a problem. 

I think I'll file this under the "mysteries of the universe" category, alongside Dark Energy, the Bermuda Triangle, and why on earth my roommates thought that having an after-curfew hair-dying party was a good idea. 

...Remind me sometime to tell you the story of how my mother nearly destroyed my soul with pants shopping.  *shudder*

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Inevitable

Karma the dog and Bugs the cat are decorated in colorful paint  Karma: This is going to end up on the internet, isn't it

If something like this happens to you, you're either a pet in the 21st century, or a human who seriously needs to reconsider his choice in friends. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

From Sea to Shining Sea

Erin adresses the viewer: My fellow Americans, I would like to congratulate us all on surviving yet another election  Now that it's over, it's time for us to remember that though we may all have different ideas, we're all still one nation  Because no matter where we live inside we all  Vampire interrupts: Taste the same  Well, except the people with high cholesterol  And the anemic people taste kind of interesting  Er, I should probably stop talking now  Erin: That may be wise

One botched inspirational speech, brought to you by Dilettante Comics. 

On behalf of the United States, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the rest of the world for infecting the internet with American political nonsense for the last couple of weeks.  Unless you actually like this stuff, in which case you should probably consider therapy. 

I shall now conclude this post by bringing in a horde of sickenly cute children to sing "It's a Small World."

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. 


...You have the song stuck in your head now, right?


Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Perfect Distraction

Girl sits at computer, looking at cat pictures  Hee-hee  Funny kitties  Ooh, they're so cute  Vampire rubs his hands  Works every time

My current theory is that vampires infected the internet with cats (and many other time-wasting websites) in order to keep their prey distracted. 
Actually, a lot of things could be explained as vampiric handiwork.  Anti-glare screens?  So you can't see them sneaking up behind you.  Loud music?  So you can't hear them.  Mind-numbing paperwork?  Much easier to get you when you're half-asleep and/or half-dead, depending on how boring it is. 

...Wait a minute.  It all makes sense now!  Vampires hired Stephanie Meyer to write those dumb Twilight books in order to purposely misinform all those lovesick fangirls so that they'd be easier vampire targets!  And then all the people complaining about how vampires are really supposed to wither and die in sunlight would also become easier targets because it turns out that the thing about sunlight killing vampires didn't start until that Nosferatu film in the 1920's  (yes, that technically means that Stephanie Meyer was actually right about something, but don't worry.  I doubt she knew about this.  And they still don't sparkle). 

At last, the world makes sense!  Maybe.  Sort of. 

Well, it's a start. 

EDIT:  My father kindly pointed out that vampires don't have reflections, making my comment concerning anti-glare screens moot.  Whoops.  In my defense, I typed the above late at night and on little sleep.  I tend to do weird(er) things under those kinds of circumstances. 
On the other hand, maybe they just want you to think that they don't have reflections.  Hmm....

Nah.  Just me being sleep-deprived. 
I'm going to bed now.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Can't Choose Your Relatives

Soldiers cart Loki away  Odin: Well, that should take care of Loki  Thor: What are we going to do about his kids  Odin: Jormungand keeps growing  Toss him into the sea  Thor: Will do  Tyr: What about this little guy  He's kind of cute  Fenrir bites his hand  Chomp  Er, I'll go find a leash  Odin: Now we need to find a home for you  Hel: Can I be the goddess of cookies  Odin: Um, I think I know a place that will suit you better  Hel sits wimpering on a frozen throne  Welcome to the Underworld

We got snow where I live this week.  This comic was entirely justified. 

So for the fourth and final Deities of Death comic of the year, we have the Norse goddess Hel (no sophomoric jokes about her name, please), joined by her dad (Loki), her brothers Jormungand and Fenris, and Odin, Thor, and Tyr.  I always thought it was kind of convenient that Loki just happened to have a half-skeleton daughter, and the underworld just happened to need a ruler. 

Wait.  I left this on far too depressing a note.  This needs to be remedied. 

Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungand hold ice cream cones  Odin said I couldn't be the goddess of cookies, so I became the goddess of ice cream

Much better. 

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Swift Wings and Loud Games

Thanatos plays a video game: Ha  Take that  And that  Hypnos: I'm pretty sure a deity of death isn't supposed to be loud enough to wake the dead

Here we have Thanatos, Greek god of death, and his brother Hypnos, Greek god of sleep.  In cases like this, this probably works to Thanatos' advantage. 

...Wait a minute.  It all makes sense now!  This is what caused the zombie apocalypse!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Perchance to Dream

Family talks to the Grim Reaper  Woah  You actually knew Shakespeare  Which play is your favorite  Did he really talk like that  I'm in the Drama Club  I know a pretty good adaptation of The Tempest  Now, who was that director  Ooh  Did you know Ben Franklin  Old man on deathbed: I've feared death for 90-something years  Now I mostly just find him annoying

...And if you keep the Grim Reaper distracted for long enough, he might forget to take who he came for when he leaves. 

Hmm...  The Grim Reaper:  patron of the arts.  Who knew?
Anyhow, all's well that ends well. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Single File

Persephone: Hey, Hades  Have you considered revising some things around the Styx  Hades: What brings this up  Persephone: Have you been there lately  Hades: No, I  All right  What's going on  Meanwhile  Charon wrangles souls:  One at a time  Stop pushing  Will you calm down  You'll all get your turn  Quit your whining  You've got all millennium to get across  And for the last time, I don't take euros  I don't care what the situation in Greece is

As you might have gathered, it's now October, which means that the Deities of Death have returned!  Today we have Hades (along with Persephone) and Charon, the long-suffering ferryman of the underworld. 
At least he gets paid.  It's more than most of the other deities can say. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Dream of Steampunk

Girl finds steampunk kitty picture online  Steampunk  What's that  She does a Google search  It's so beautiful  I must steampunk things  Gearz much and many  Steampunk everything  Steampunk the world  Sister: Mom

And thus was the shiny modern era overtaken by an archaic view of the future.  But there are cool goggles, so it's all good. 

Throw in some cake and a few more small fuzzy animals, and this would be my sister's idea of paradise. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Icing the Body Electric

One android decorates a cake while another pipes icing on him

Yes, puns are an extremely low form of humor.  However, you get cake and a pair of cute, colorful androids in the process, so don't complain. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

High School Lesson #2921

Student is pinned upside-down to the wall with pencils  Teacher: So, what have we learned today  Student: Don't cheat, don't lie, and show respect, Ma'am  Teacher: Very good  Most teachers are surprisingly adequate in combat techniques

Pens and pencils are sharp and plentiful around places of education.  Please keep this in mind before you decide to tick off your teacher. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Middleman

Man has a blood unit hooked to his arm, while a vampire drinks blood from his neck  This is going to be one of those kinds of days, isn't it

Quick question:  If vampires are those who extend their lives by intaking blood of others, does that mean that anyone who's had a blood transfusion is a vampire?

Just wondering....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So Let it be Sung

And thus was the electric guitar created, and the world rejoiced  And the new generation did proceed to blast out the ears of the elders  And it was good  Amen

The first electric guitar was invented by George Beauchamp in 1931.  See?  This blog is educational!

So let it be written....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

High School Lesson #3267

Students eye a hand hanging out of their teacher's filing cabinet  If your new teacher has been rumored to eat students alive, make sure it's not literal

My sister is about to start middle school, so I decided that this is the perfect time to give her my own brand of advice that is extremely applicable throughout life. 

You're welcome.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Minister's Cat

The minister's cat is an atomic cat  The minister's cat is a bubonic cat  The minister's cat is a cracked cat  The minister's cat is a doomed cat  The minister's cat is an electrified cat  The minister's cat is a frozen cat  The minister's cat is a ghostly cat  The minister's cat is a headless cat  The minister's cat is an impaled cat  The minister's cat is a jaundiced cat  The minister's cat is a klutzy cat  The minister's cat is a liquified cat  The minister's cat is a mummified cat  The minister's cat is a nauseous cat  The minister's cat is an ominous cat  The minister's cat is a petrified cat  The minister's cat is a quarantined cat  The minister's cat is a roadkill cat  The minister's cat is a skeletal cat  The minister's cat is a terminated cat  The minister's cat is an unstable cat  The minister's cat is a vampire cat  The minister's cat is a wilted cat  The minister's cat is a xerodermatic cat  The minister's cat is a yawed cat  The minister's cat is a zombie cat  Erin, Mom, and sister are in the car  Erin: We've been playing this game for two hours  Mom: And we killed the poor cat 38 times before I lost count  Erin: Two solid hours  Sister: Let's play it again

Yes, 'xerodermatic' is a real word. 

The Minister's Cat is a game where you go round the circle and have each player come up with an adjective to describe the cat using a certain letter of the alphabet, then move on to the next letter when someone messes up.  The game generally ends when everyone gets sick of it and decides to leave the room.  On car trips, however, no one can really leave, so things tend to get ugly.  And then the cat dies.  Many, many times. 

My brother loves cats.  I think I hear him whimpering. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Erin works at computer  typey typey  Frond: Ahem  Erin: uh-oh  All of the characters on the website banner appear - pig, alien, dog, cat, unicorn, rabbit, vampire, dinosaur  Frond: We need to talk  Erin: Er, okay  Sonata: You've been doing this comic for a year, and did cartoons with Sid, Ariel, and Corra, but what about the rest of us  Frond: Forget that  You haven't used Splatter, Neo, or Sonata, but you've at least done cartoons with dogs, cats, and unicorns  But you haven't done any with rabbits or dinosaurs  You've been busy obsessing over bilbies  Erin: I like bilbies  Frond: I was here first  And what about poor Roxy  Roxy: Frond, it's okay  Really  Frond: Translation:  You're the cartoonist, so fix it  Erin: Alright  Alright  The next day  Splatter: You drew a cartoon of us buggin you about being in a cartoon  Erin: snicker

Yep!  Dilettante Comics has been under operation for a whole year!  WOOH!!!  And now you know that I'm insane enough to name all the characters in my logo, sans the flaming butterfly.  Though frankly, it's been a year, and I still have no idea whether Ariel the Alien is a boy or a girl. 

I actually double-checked.  Turns out that Frond was wrong.  I actually did draw rabbits in a cartoon!  Once.  This one right here.  So there.  Frond's usually in a better mood.  She's just a bit irritable because she had to babysit her cousins last weekend.  Insert joke about large rabbit families here. 

And to celebrate keeping this up for a year, I think I'll sleep.  And then the rest of you can celebrate because it means I'll stop rambling for a while.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vampiric Gold

A crowd watches the vampire olympics, including a rowdy group of Americans  Announcer: And we're still awaiting the judges' scores for Miss Ayres' performance  Next up in the Woman's Maiming Event is Paola Mendoza from Argentina, so stay tuned  Wooh  French vampire: hmph

Because the Olympics aren't just for humans. 

And before anyone gets on my case, I am well aware that the events displayed in the above picture are most likely not in line with the Geneva Convention. 
But really.  Is anything vampires do in line with the Geneva Convention?

Heck.  Are vampires in line with the Geneva Convention?

I'm going on a tangent. 
Why are you still reading this? 
Go watch the Olympics. 
Good day.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Keep Calm

Keep Calm and Draw a Bilby

It's late.  I'm tired.  I've spent the last week obsessing over finals and packing.  So this week you get this poster I made a few months ago. 

In other news, BILBY!!! ^^

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Beginning of the End

Montage of Erin stabbing a voodoo doll representing school;  typing while on the floor;  Must comprehend instructions with deer on her head;  making a phone call  Hi  I was wondering if you sell Time-Turners  Yes, I'm serious;  bawling while hugging stuffed unicorn;  No, I don't want to restart for automatic updates;  whimpering in the corner;  begging of her computer  Internet, I will love you forever and make you cookies if you just start working again;  on the floor with a book on her face  Wha-ha-ha  I'm trying to do a Vulcan Mind Meld with a book  She and roommate sit on beds  Roommate: Just one more week of finals  Erin: I don't think I can keep this up for that long

For the record, the above is more of a representation of my mental state rather than of what I've actually been doing recently.  So no, I haven't been making any voodoo dolls.  This semester.  Special thanks goes to my roommate for agreeing to appear in this comic, even though I kind of posted it before I asked her. 

By my count, I believe this is my 50th comic.  Yay!

Oh, and in case anyone cares, doing a mind-meld with literature doesn't work.  Even if you are an actual Vulcan.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Rocket's Red Glare

Group of kids pool together money  And together we have $483  Hey, mister  We'd like to buy some fireworks  Fireworks stand worker: The holiday is over  We know, but you're still open, right  Um, fine  What do you want  Everything  5 hours later:  boy holds up match, looking at huge firework pile  This is going to be epic  5 minutes later:  They are all on the moon by the United States flag  Remind me how this happened again  This doesn't taste like cheese

1 group of pyromaniac school-age kids + $500 of fireworks on clearance = 1 unplanned trip to the moon. 

Please do not try to replicate this at home.  These people are in the vacuum of space without helmets, which a typical human lung does not appreciate. 

Hmm?  Oh yeah.  And something about hurting yourself with those fireworks.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Murphy Was Here

Number of people in the dorm when you're trying to sleep: 12  Erin whimpers and covers head with pillow, while people outside chat loudly  Number of people in the dorm when your roommate sets the stove on fire and needs help cleaning up the smoke damage: 2  Erin: How the heck did you start a fire by boiling water  Roommate holds up fire extinguisher: I don't know  How do you work this thing

The sad thing is that for once I'm not exaggerating.  This is exactly what happened at my dorm last year.  No, I still don't know how my roommate managed to start a fire by boiling water.  All I know is that I was up until 10 o'clock at night helping her wipe all the smoke stains off of the walls and ceiling because the head managers were going to do a white-glove clean check in a couple of days.  The rest of my roommates conveniently showed up after most of the work was already done. 

On the plus side, now I can find comfort in knowing that despite all the times my cooking attempts have failed dramatically, I have never screwed up this badly.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cat Wanna

Radio: authorities now estimate the giant rodents to be at least thirty feet in length  These creatures and dangerous, and we advise all civilians to stay indoors and remain calm  Crazy cat lady wields a katana and cats congregate as a shadowy mouse figure approaches the window

And thus the world was saved by a herd of cats and a crazy lady with a katana (cat-tana, get it?  Oh, never mind....) 

And thus a certain cartoonist admitted to herself that she had probably been watching too many cheesy monster B-movies lately.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Desperate Times

Students gather to study, while karaoke night participants sing out of tune  Are you sure this is the only building on campus where the Wi-Fi isn't broken  You've asked that six times, and the answer's still yes

Karaoke is designed to provide entertainment to amateur singers, and torture for everyone else. 
I wouldn't mind so much if the singers would either refrain from doing this on public property, or else learn to actually sing in tune.


Wow.  For a second I actually fooled myself into thinking that was possible.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Teacher at Vampire Night School: Okay, class  Tonight we have a special lesson designed for those who are capable of any degree of shapeshifting  Now I'd like everyone to please shapeshift so that I know what I'm working with  Students transform into a bat, a dear, a cat, and a winged girl, with one left behind  Come on, Terrance  You too  He turns into a butterfly, to his classmates amusement  I hate my life
Vampires are often depicted with shapeshifting abilities, and according to Slavic folklore, they turned into butterflies.  Yes, really. 
Other forms include, of course, the popular bat, cats (with two tails), and sometimes even dogs. 

And in case you're wondering, yes, there is such thing as vampire deer. 
Now you'll never look at Bambi the same way again. 

You're welcome.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Brain Bleach

Girl sits in front of computer with blotchy brown-and-blond hair  Mom: You actually tried to bleach your brain  Daughter: Hooray  Now I have that image stuck in my head and look like an idiot
Forget lightsabers.  Someone go invent actual brain bleach.  Now.  You will be a hero to the universe.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Night to Bear Arms

Erin is awakened in the middle of the night and starts polishing her fencing sword  Now I lay me down to sleep, Pray my sanity to keep  If roommates make another sound, Let their bodies not be found

For the record, I'm still following my "killing people is bad" policy.  I just find that venting my aggressions through art is cheaper than therapy. 

On a related not, could someone please explain to me whether or not redecorating the living room in the middle of the night is really a normal-person thing?  I'm not normal, so I wouldn't know.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Brother, the Vampire

Vampire boys plays with his sister  Mom  Vlad's biting my dolls again

Aren't you glad you don't have Dracula for a brother? 

...Unless, of course, you do, in which case you have my profound sympathy.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not Technically Winter

Hades watches TV  Persephone pops in: Hi, Hades  Hades: Persephone  What are you doing here  Persephone: Visiting you, of course  Hades: But i's almost May  What about your job  Persephone: Relax  They can last a few days without me  Meanwhile, in Idaho  Everything is covered in snow  Woman: What happened to spring

We got snow where I live the other day, so I figured that this was appropriate.  Darn you, Persephone.  It's a good thing I like the snow....

On another note, I'm still wondering what Hades was watching.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor

Howler monkeys at a zoo howl, irritating their neighbors  Spider monkey holds a sign: Get me Out of here

...and if you feel like taking a baseball bat to your neighbor's head, at the very least do it in the most loving way possible.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blood Suckers

Two vampires hide behind a bush, one holding binoculars  Okay, that guy with the tasty-smelling blood should be walking by here any time now  The other swats away mosquitoes  Stupid mosquitoes  Blood-sucking litte parasites of society  The first bursts out laughing  I hate you, Irony

One of the reasons why you don't see many vampires living in warmer climates. 
The other reason is that it's hard to sport a nice swishy black cape when it's 90 degrees in the shade.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Erin: Due to the need to promote an endangered species (and to the fact that they are not particularly fond of rabbits), the Australians have replaced the Easter Bunny with a similar-looking native creature called a bilby  Bilby is shown in a springtime setting, but snatches up and eats a butterfly flying near it

Puts a whole new meaning to "killer rabbit," doesn't it?  I suppose I could add a joke to the large collection of jokes about how everything in Australia is capable of killing you, but I don't think that's necessary. 

Bilbies are nocturnal, omnivorous marsupials related to the bandicoot, except much cuter.  Since they're endangered and look kind of like rabbits, the Aussies sell chocolate bilbies around Easter in order to raise conservation effort awareness.  I think they're adorable.  My family thinks I'm nuts.  Here's a video of them.  I'll let you be the judge: 

You have been enlightened.  Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Walk the Prank

A unicorn is sleeping  Her brother calls: Wake up, Eve  Your car is getting towed  Eve: Sure it is  She holds up an umbrella as a bucket of water falls from the top of the doorway, she ignores the upside-down portraits, and is deadpan as a toy snake springs from the cupboard  Brother: Do you want to see this cool trick I  Eve pours purple milk on cereal: No  You know, the point of April Fools Day is to be unexpected  Brother: I guess i overdid it, huh  Eve: You've been overdoing it for the last six years

Happy April Fools' Day, everyone!

Now, if you'll excuse me, those teddy bears aren't going to stick themselves into the freezer.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Paint it Green

The entire landscape has been splattered with green paint, the guilty party being a cat in a shamrock hat hiding a paintbrush  Dog: All right  Hand it over

Apparently someone asked the magical leprechaun for the power to defy physics instead of the pot of gold. 

Not a bad trade-off.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Video is being recorded of Steve, Mel, and Mark  Steve: Today we'll be documenting the elusive Rocky Mountain Vampire  Dylan operates camera: So why are you all wearing earmuffs  Vampire leaps from bushes: Mwah-ha-ha  Dylan: What the  Argh  I've got stakes and I'm not afraid to use them  Get off me, you fiend  What are you aAAAAAAA  Camera is knocked over, vampire snorts blood from his ear  Mark: I take it no one told him that these vampires attack, er, differently  Mel: Oh gross

I'm not making this up.  Rocky Mountain vampires really were supposed to snort blood from their victim's ear.  No, I don't get it either.  My guess is that we have an intoxicated Shoshone guy to thank for this. 

But in the meantime, I get to amuse myself by wreaking havoc with the dreams of little Twilight fans.

You're welcome.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stone(ball) Age

Cavemen play football using a rock  Referee talks to players  So Grog took the rock to the head, huh  Yep  As well as Boog  Yes  And Yaz  Him too  And Larp  Er, rock to the ribs, actually  That's it  We're calling this off until someone invents footballs and helmets

To the best of my knowledge, American football goes something like this:
A bunch of grown men chase around a little brown-and-white stripy ball across a green-and-white stripy field under the supervision of a couple of black-and-white stripy guys, and try to stick said little ball through a giant fork which may or may not be stripy. 
And feet are also involved somehow. 

I live in a weird country.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heart Attack

Father holds trashcan full of paper hearts after Valentine's Day: That's the last of it  Mother: Where is he  Dad: In the closet  Mom: Jake  It's over  You can come out now  Son curls up in the closet, the walls scribbled with crazy talk: It was horrible  So much pink

Ah, Valentines day.  A day of mushy sentiments, excessive jewelry commercials, and inedible conversation hearts.

Wait, you say there is also chocolate?
Okay.  I'll stick around.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

High School Lesson #1345

Steve eyes table occupied by creepy, vampire nerds representing different fandoms  If you like sunshine, don't let the white and nerdy kids bite you

Not all nerds are vampires, of course.  Don't be silly. 

Some of us are werewolves and aliens.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boars of War

Farmer watches in dismay as pigs go tribal

So remember, kids:  friends don't let friends forget to feed the pigs. 

And now you know why there's a tribal pig in the banner for this website.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Don't Forget My Unicorns

Unicorns board a rocket ship instead of Noah's Ark  Well, you seemed pretty crowded already

Unicorns in Space!!!!

What, did you really think Noah would have saved the mosquitoes, but not the unicorns?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Infernal Creatures

Erin tries to descend stairs without stepping on kittens  Get out of my way, you annoying fuzzballs  I'm going to trip over you one of these days  Kittens stare upward with big eyes  Oh no  Don't you dare  You stop looking cute this instant  She sighs as she sits down and pets the kittens

One of the feral cats that hangs around my house managed to have a pair of extremely adorable kittens, which use said powers of adorableness to plague us in this exact fashion. 

At one point my family dubbed them Dante and Inferno, which turned out to be far more appropriate than we could have imagined.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wizards of Winter

Erin and siblings look outside the window  Sister: I can't believe it  We barely got any snow for Christmas, and now what we have is melting  Erin: There's only option left:  We must do a snow dance  Sister: This is gonna be awesome  Erin: All right  Let's make a list of what we'll need  They all pitch in ideas: We'll need a milk bottle and oregano  My soul-eating unicorn  Lots of stuffed tigers  Sunglasses  A toga  Tie-dye shirts  And some Sunny D  Ice cream  A chicken hat  Some ribbons  Rubber balls  A bunch of rubber duckies  And a book by Daniel Pinkwater  Brother: We'll have to wait 'till tomorrow to do it, but it will be worth the wait  The Next Morning: Erin wakes up, looks out the windw, and sees that it's snowing  Erin: We scared the weather into submission just by planning a snow dance  Sister runs outside: We are awesome

Not pictured is our parents giving us very odd looks, or my mother telling us that going through with our little ritual would open a gateway to the underworld. 

Where I live, it is considered perfectly normal to have snow and below-freezing temperatures from October through April.  When it isn't, then we know that something is wrong with the universe, and the appropriated counter-measures must be taken. 
Like doing a Snow Dance. 

Oh, and in case you're wondering about the soul-eating unicorn, here she is:

Sweet dreams.