Friday, December 28, 2018

Polar Opposition

Explorer 1: Think we'll see any penguins?  Explorer 2: That joke stopped being funny weeks ago.  You know darn well that there aren't any penguins at the North... Pole...  A crowd of penguins walk past.  The two exchange shocked expressions.  Santa: Pete...  Black Pete (choking back laughter): ...I'll put myself on the "naughty list" in the morning.

One more Christmas comic for the year, courtesy of Black Pete. 
To be fair, I know several people who'd also do this if given the chance, which may or may not include myself. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Pressing Needs

Dear Santa:  Do you really deliver presents to every house in the world?  -Gretchen  Santa writes: No.  Some houses have more pressing needs...  Santa Claus and a couple of  elves work on cleaning out someone's fridge.  Elf: Ugh.  I guess this is pea soup, or something.  Santa: It used to be lasagna.

It doesn't have to be in a package to be a gift. 
But seriously, don't intentionally leave expired food for Santa to clean up.  That's just pushing it, and can put both your health and your place on the "Nice List" at risk. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


Sister: What are you watching?  Brother: The Fill-in-the-Blank that Saved Christmas.  Sis: No need to be snarky.  Bro: Seriously, that's the title. (hands her a TV guide)  See for yourself.  The sister pauses as she reads through the description.  Sis: I'll make popcorn.  Bro: Hurry.  The cyborg sasquatch are about to kidnap Santa again.

In movieland, Santa (who apparently equals Christmas) has had to be rescued so many times that it's a wonder he's still alive, or at least doesn't have better insurance. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Deck the Everything

An older woman's visiting friend notices the amount of Christmas decorations she has.  Friend: You really went all-out this year.  Woman: My grandkids insisted we needed to put up all the decorations.  Friend: I'm impressed they got them all up.  Woman: They didn't.  Grandchildren (running in with a box): Grandma!  We found another box!

Essentially what happened last year when one of my Grandpas accidentally unleashed my sisters upon his house.  Not even the refrigerator was spared. 

Yeah, okay.  So I contributed.  Do you blame me?

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holly's Hallelujah

Back in my university music history classes, we once talked about hockets, and the thought of someone named "Holly Hocket" amused me.  I designed a character to go with the name, along with a few friends with similarly-themed names.  Later, a Christmas story evolved from this.  And thus I give you:
Cover art for Holly's Hallelujah

I'll be adding a page a day to this post until Christmas Eve, so make sure to check back!  It can also be read on DeviantArt, where pages are spread out but include additional footnotes should you enjoy backstory.  I've also written music to go with it (as you can guess from the cover, music is important to the story), which is available on Bandcamp.  So read, enjoy, and have a merry Christmas!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Clean Out of Options

Mel rushes into the apartment: The manager's coming to do a clean check!  Pearl: What's the big deal?  Carmine: I like her.  She's kind of like everyone's grandma.  Mel: The assistant manager is coming with her.  Carmine: We're doomed!!!  Pearl pushes the couch against the door: I'll hold them off.  You guys clean!  Mel: I'll make the beds!  Carmine: I'll clean up that blood spill!

The manager is a nice lady who knows everyone's names and brings you a cookie when you're having a bad day.  The assistant manager will give you a bad day.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Dishing It Out

Girl 1:  Do you think he'll ever leave?  I don't think he's good for her.  Girl 2:  Well, they've been going steady for a while.  Jess enters.  Girl 3:  Hey, Jess?  We're wondering if you're planning on breaking up with your boyfriend.  Jess:  What boyfriend?  All roommates point to the huge pile of dirty dishes.  All:  Him!!!  When your dirty dishes become an entity unto themselves, it's time to start washing.

When passive hints don't get the message across, roommates start getting aggressive. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

Out of the Bag

Vampire cat lady: Yes, my children.  Tonight we feast!  Bystander looking through window, calling on a cell phone: Hello, Officer?

There is only room in this neighborhood for one crazy cat lady, for that is the natural order of things.  Unless another emerges victorious, there won't be a neighborhood left
We need a hero.  

Friday, October 26, 2018

Your Permanent Record

Sedna meets with a recently-deceased man and reads his report, with the help of her seal friend.  Sedna: I'm afraid we have to send you to "Anti-Stupid Camp."  Man: Say what?  Sedna: Simply put, the nature of your death indicates a crippling lack of common sense.  You won't be permitted into the afterlife until you improve it at least a few points.  Man: Stop messing with me.  It wasn't that bad.  Sedna: To impress some friends, you attempted to dive from the top of a moving bullet train into a very narrow canal.  Can you see the problem here?  Man: ...I'm dead?  Sedna: You are extremely dead!!!  Thanatos (leading the man away):  Relax.  If you do well enough on your first assessment, I won't make you wear the clown wig.  Behind them, Senda grumbles about Darwin Award winners while her seal comforts her.

Learn in this life so you don't have to learn in the next one.  And also so you can continue having this life.

This is the final Deities of Death cartoon for the year, so I wish you a happy Halloween, along with the hope that you never run into Sedna and Thanatos under these (or any) circumstances. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Packed and Ready

An old man drags the Grim Reaper off to the afterlife:  You're late.  Grim: Wait, what-?

Some people try to bargain with death.  And some guys care more about punctuality.  Not really sure which group needs their priorities straightened out. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Security Measures

Hel details the massive amount of security she has around her place: My new security protocols include five walls made of solid ice XI, a maze filled with booby-trapped icicles, a moat of lava I diverted from Muspelheim, and Garmr's unit of skullhounds.  What do you think?  Baldr: You really hate solicitors, don't you?  Hel: Oh, that's nothing.  Here's my plans for if my dad breaks out of jail.  (Baldr's wife, Nanna, sits next to him eating an ice cream sundae)

If you want to sell Tupperware in the underworld, you have to go through Hel first. 

Hel is joined by Baldr and his wife, Nanna, both of whom got booted down to her domain following a certain unfortunate incident involving Hel's father.  Actually, it's Loki's fault that all three are stuck down there, so ripping on him at every opportunity is free game. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Cerberus Satellite

Persephone tries to watch TV, while Cerberus wears a three-way pet cone.  Persephone: Hades?  Your dog keeps messing with the TV signal.  Hades carries him off: Three more weeks until the stitches come out... Three more weeks until the stitches come out...  Persephone: Cheer up.  If you put him on the kitchen table, we can pick up Hallmark Channel.

He may be an immortal three-headed dog, but he still has to suffer the consequences of trying to chase the Nemean Lion up a tree. 

October is here again, and with it the annual Deities of Death marathon.  Rejoice! 
...or something.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Figure Drawing Fortune

Fortunately, I got into the figure drawing class I wanted.  Unfortunately, it turns out that figure drawing generally involves nude models.  Fortunately, I went to a conservative school where the models at least wear underwear.  Unfortunately... that doesn't diminish the awkwardness much when your roommate's boyfriend turns up as the model.  Boyfriend:  Oh, hi Erin!

Thankfully, the art department had a large number of models, so I think I only ran into him under these circumstances once.  But it was small consolation, given that he still dropped by my apartment to visit my roommate.

Friday, September 21, 2018

High School Lesson #5494

A group of heavily-armored Westpoint High School cheerleaders stand next to a group of skinny, traditional cheerleaders from Clark Valley.  "Seriously?  You didn't even bring any cougar repellant?"  High School Lesson #5494:  There are approximately 87 reasons why cheerleaders should wear body armor, and most of them can happen during a typical football game.

Clark Valley prepared for their match against Westpoint High in all the wrong ways. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

A Truncated Offer

Pearl:  I need to pick up some things from the store.  Can you give me a ride?  Mel (working on homework):  Can't.  My cousin is borrowing my car until tomorrow.  Carmine, didn't you say you had a car?  Carmine (reading a Super Vampire comic book):  Technically my brother's, but yeah.  I still need to get that body out of the trunk, though.  Pearl:  You have a dead body in your trunk?!?  Carmine:  I never said dead.  He's still alive ...probably.  Pearl grabs her ax and advances.  Carmine:  I'm kidding, I'm kidding!  Mel:  You know, walking there would probably take less time than killing each other.

Helpful Hint:  If people can't tell if you're joking or not, you probably shouldn't be joking.

Friday, August 31, 2018

When the Flowers Talk

A quick overview of the meanings of flowers:  Tulip - "love" (a boy and girl kiss)  Blue Violet - "faithfulness" (an old couple embrace)  Raspberry - "remorse" (a husband brings one as an apology to his wife, who is washing dishes)  Variegated Pink - "refusal" (a girl thrusts it into the face of a guy who's hitting on her)  Rhododendron - "beware" (a girl offers one to her sister's date, while their father sits inside with a scythe)  Corpse Lily - "move to Antarctica immediately if you know what's good for you." (man finds one on his doorstep, with flies buzzing around)

Some fun facts about the corpse lily:
Its scientific name is Raffelsia arnoldii.
It's the largest single flower in the world, reaching over 3 feet in diameter and 24 pounds.
It's a parasite, with the flower being the only visible part outside of the host plant.
It's one of the three national flowers of Indonesia, where it is a protected species.
And most importantly, it smells like rotting meat.  Though you probably already guessed that.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Being a Library Page

This requires explanation. 
Last Saturday I decided to challenge myself.  I heard about this thing called the 24-Hour Comic Challenge, which is to create a 24-page comic book entirely within 24 hours.  No physical work on it can be done ahead of time (except maybe gathering reference photos and drawing supplies), and once the clock starts it doesn't stop even for breaks.  It's kind of a big deal if you can finish it, since even professionals have trouble completing the challenge, and it sounded like the sort of thing that would help me as a cartoonist, even if I didn't succeed on my first attempt.  The only problem is that my work schedule is not particularly conductive to this sort of thing (technically I have the weekend off, but I don't think my bishop would be amused if I fell asleep halfway through playing the organ on Sunday).  But a 12-hour version of the challenge?  That I could work with.  So I did.  And I conquered!  
It's hardly my best work ever, consisting mostly of sketchy line drawings.  But for what it is, I'm pretty proud of it.  So I now present my 12-page, mostly autobiographical depiction of a typical day working a job with a pun-y title:

I work at the public library, holding the job title of "Library Page."  (translation:  book-shelver) My work sort of starts about half an hour beforehand, with me getting ready.  I keep my hair clipped back so it doesn't flop in the way every time I lean over.  The library workers' dress code is pretty lax compared to some places, but I make sure to wear black slacks since there is a strict ban on all things denim.  - No Denim!  No denim pants, no denim skirts, no denim vests, no denim ties, no denim belts, no denim earrings, no colored denim...

Friday, August 17, 2018

Refined Young Ladies

Miss Rosemary's Vampire Hunting School for Refined Young Ladies:  Several elegantly-dressed girls are preparing their weapons outside the school as one drags in a fresh trophy.

Promoting indesputable elegance while braining bloodsucking fiends. 
Pearl probably wasn't accepted here. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Princess Apparent

King: We need to find a suitable princess to marry our son.  Queen: How about that new stableboy?  King: ...Huh?  Queen (doing air-quotes): Oh, "he" is actually a disguised princess.  King: How do you know?  Queen: The classic signs.  Narrow shoulders, impeccable manners, reports of a princess from two kingdoms over in hiding, barely-stifled curtsies... and that.  She points over to where the "boy" is singing while the adorable woodland critters help her with cleaning, in a sublimely Disney-princess-esque manner.

A good princess can't stay hidden for long.  The local wildlife won't permit it.

Note:  Proper colors will arrive shortly, unless a fairy godmother or something finishes it before you read this, in which case disregard this message.

Edit:   This comic has magically been bestowed color.  Whether or not a fairy godmother had anything to do with it shall be left ambiguous. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

Soggy Story

It's getting rainy outside, so Andrew starts to open an umbrella as he's stepping out.  Andrew:  I'm heading to the store.  Need anything?  He starts to open his umbrella.  Anni:  Well, we're running low on...  No, wait-!  An enourmous amount of water (along with a few small sea critters) dumps out from inside the umbrella, thouroughly soaking Andrew.  He calmly surveys the situation, while Anni shifts around uncomfortably.  Andrew:  Why?  Anni:  An unfortunate incident involving some camels from the zoo and a kumquat.  Andrew:  Just get a mop.

Probably should have put a warning label on that thing, or something.

Funnily enough, my town got hit by some flooding right after I started drawing this.  As far as I know, neither is related to the other except by coincidence.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Colorful puppy dogs play in the starry sky

I painted this a while back, and decided to post it because why not?  We all need some happy, colorful space puppies in our lives, right?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Astronomical Robotics Titles

Rocket scientists need a love for exploring the unknown, expertise in math and engineering, and the ability to create awesomely improbable acronyms.  Displayed are the probes SELENE, MESSENGER, IKAROS, DSCOVR, THEMIS, OSIRIS-REx...  "...JUICE?"  "Funny story."

What, you thought I was joking?
It should be interesting to see what kind of press the "JUpiter ICy moons Explorer" gets once it's launched (scheduled for 2022). 

Friday, June 29, 2018

Mental Dental

A collection of mothers and fathers sit in the waiting room at the dentists' office while their children have appointments.  Things a parent doesn't want to overhear at the dentist:  "Have you been chewing rocks in your sleep?"  "I did not know teeth could turn that color."  "Stop biting the X-ray machine!"  "Huh.  Does your mom know you're a vampire?"  "Say what?!?"

I actually overheard that first comment directed at some mystery patient during a dentist appointment.  I think it was a joke.  Probably.  Maybe. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Noah's Archive

Noah keeps a journal, which includes a log of all the animal-related games his children and grandchildren have invented, all of which were subsequently banned.  As he's writing today's entry, his family plays panda polo.  Day 14 - kids invented badger bowling  Day 15 - badger bowling banned  Day 16 - grandkids invented giraffe jousting  Day 17 - giraffe jousting banned  Day 18 - wife invents cassowary croquette  Day 19 - cassowary croquette banned  Day 20 - grandkids invent leopard lacrosse  Day 21 - leopard lacrosse banned  Day 22...

And they haven't even gotten through the first forty days yet, though I supposed it could be worse.  At least it's not "Pollo Polo."
Now, place your bets on how long it takes before someone comes up with "Cricket Cricket."

Friday, June 15, 2018

Fair Enough

Evil Queen:  Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?  Magic Mirror:  You want to know who the palest person is?  Queen:  No, the most beautiful.  Mirror:  That's something different.  There's many places where dark skin is considered more attractive.  And then in some places-  Queen:  Just tell me who the most beautiful person is!  Mirror:  Snow White.  Queen:  And the fairest?  Mirror:  Snow White.  Queen:  ...and we just had this conversation why?  Mirror:  Sheesh, just send her to a tanning salon if it bothers you that much.

If you think you can ask an all-knowing magic mirror the exact same question every single day without it getting snarky, you're just kidding yourself.

Color will arrive at some point in the future, once I gain some of that mythical thing called "sleep."  Guess I need to eat more apples.

UPDATE:  There is now color, and while I don't know whether or not it is now considered fairer in comic terms, it's at least a lot prettier. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Zebrano Forte

Musical zebra with piano key stripes

I'm actually quite clueless as to the musicality level of zebras, but I'm too tired to research it right now.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Last Night of School

Young vampires celebrate Night School ending for the summer by carrying in a victim to snack on.  Teacher:  I don't care if it's the last night of school.  I just cleaned this place, and you're not going to eat that in here!  Students:  Awww!  Victim:  Thank you.

It's bad enough that merely glancing away will cause the chalkboard to recollect its prior mess. 

No matter how joyous the occasion, there's always that one teacher who ruins the fun.  Whether or not the fun deserves to be ruined is something we won't go into right now.

Friday, May 25, 2018


The laser cat:  I don't chase the red dot.  I am the red dot!

Green fluorescent cats are already a thing, so it's only a matter of time before this happens.  Hopefully the consequences won't be... catastrophic. 

I'll see myself out. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Everyone Understands

A shot of a hallway during finals week.  It's lined with panicked students studying, crying, laughing hysterically, chugging caffeine, and one sleeping in a cot.

Dashing through the halls
In a worn-out pair of shoes
I've little left to win
And everything to lose
I know I'm running late
It's ten seconds to eight
I run into the classroom where
Ms. Jones decrees my fate.

Oh, finals week, finals week
Judgment day is here
Sleepless nights proliferate
This dreaded time of year
Finals week, finals week
The outcome's pretty clear
Try to run, but can't escape
The student's greatest fear.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Slight Miscalculation

And now for something a little different...
Back in high school I wrote a short story.  I never really planned to do anything more with it, but then a couple years later I had the idea of turning it into a comic. 
I... really didn't know what I was getting myself into.
So, many years and tears (and possibly Tears for Fears) after its initial creation, along with a few bajillion edits, I am finally proud to present:

Cover art for "A Slight Miscalculation," featuring Blake, Armageddon, and Monitor.
Herein is the story of an average guy... who's a well-intentioned extremist, rules twelve planets, commands an army of cyborg lizardmen, has a snarky son to deal with, and may need to lighten up.  You can also read it here.

Also, I wrote a soundtrack of sorts to go with it, so you can listen to that here.

And now... the rest of the story!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Inappropriate Appropriation

Mel enters the apartment to discover that once again, Pearl and Carmine have turned the living room into a war zone, complete with forts.  Pearl has the sofa and an ax.  Carmine has comandeered Mel's textbooks, blankets, and wolf plushie for hers.  Carmine: Okay, so I needed to reinforce my fort, and I had to make do with what was around, and your stuff was just lying around, and you weren't around so I couldn't ask, so...  Mel: I was gone for five minutes!

College textbooks make for effective barricades/ballast/weights/improvised thrown weaponry. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

High School Lesson #1731

A girl sits at her table of wares, holding a pendant: This charm is rumored to give the holder serenity and wisdom-  Boy holds up money: I'll take twenty-three.  High School Lesson #1731: You can make a fortune selling pencils, energy snacks, and good luck charms prior to SATs and finals week.

I'm sure the Economics teacher could have fun with this one, if he's not already contributing to the chaos. 

Friday, April 20, 2018


Old man with a walker watches a police car race by, then switches his walker to "jetpack mode."  Some superheroes have a retirement plan.  Others are the retirement plan.  Evildoers, fear the might of the Octogenerian!

Some superheroes get their powers in nuclear accidents.  Others get them from health care procedures. 

It's fun to watch criminals squirm when they have to explain that they got taken down by an old guy with a walker. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Homophone Spelling Bee

Judge:  Spell "there."  Student:  Er, could I have it in a sentence?  Judge:  "They're over there on their lawn."  Student:  Wow.  Could I have a definition?  Judge:  A word between four and seven letters long that starts with the letters "T-H-E"  Student:  That's not what I...  Fine.  T-H-E-I-R.  "Their."  Judge:  Incorrect.  Student:  Oh, come on!

This will be followed up by "raze."  Sentence: "They razed the flag."  Definition: "The opposite of 'raise.'"  Good luck. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Depriver of Happiness

A boy looks distraught after taking a bite of chocolate, while a vampire girl cheerfully hangs upside-down above him.  Boy: This chocolate is bitter and stripped of happiness.  Watch for the warning signs.  Don't become the Sugar Vampire's next victim.

O Sugar, Sugar! wherefore art thou Sugar?
Deny thy sugar and refuse thy sugar!
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my sugar,
And I'll no longer be a sugar.
'Tis but thy sugar that is my sugar.
Thou art thyself, though not a Sugar.
What's Sugar? it is nor sugar, nor sugar,
Nor sugar, nor sugar, nor any other sugar
Belonging to a sugar. O, be some other sugar!
What's in a sugar? That which we call a sugar
By any other name would taste as sweet.
So Sugar would, were it not Sugar call'd,
Retain that dear sugar which it owes
Without that title. Sugar, doff thy name;
And for that sugar, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
Sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar.

It's been a long week, okay?

Friday, March 30, 2018

First Moon of Spring

Werewolf parents comfort their daughter while her uncle walks away sheepishly.  Dad: No, honey.  Your uncle didn't really eat the Easter Bunny.  Mom: And if he doesn't apologize for saying he did, I'll arm the real Easter Bunny with a bazooka!
Given that the date Easter falls on is directly determined by the full moon, werewolves were going to get involved sooner or later. 

Friday, March 16, 2018


A herd of Irish goats watch in horror as a spectral figure floats above them.  Oh no!  It's the Bansheep!!!

The time of year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and all things Irish has rolled around again.  Most people would pay homage to this with leprechauns or shamrocks.  Instead I inflict this on the world.  If you hear any wailing, it might be a banshee, or it might be someone reacting to me making yet another bad pun.  I regret nothing. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Fawn-y Business

Anni Seed comes across a children's TV show starring cute, colorful cartoon deer.  Fawn Dation: What's wrong, Fawn Dant?  Fawn Dant: Oh, Fawn Dation, it's terrible!  I can't find any star-shimmer glitter to decorate the rainbowberry cupcakes for Fawn House's tea party!  Fawn Tain: That's so sad!  Fawn Ograph, what should we do?  Fawn Ograph: Let's sing a song about our feelings, Fawn Tain!  All: Okay!  *singing*  Sunshine makes me happy, and rainclouds make me sad.  Dark caves make me gloomy, and friendship makes me glad...  Anni: All of my sensibilities are appalled.  Andrew: Do you want to change the channel?  Anni: It's like watching a glitter-filled train crashing into a nuclear power plant.  Andrew: Sounds like it's your brain that's crashing.
The years have not erased the pain from all those hours spent suffering through the Nick Jr. programming my kid sister inflicted on me. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Fuzzy Understanding

Plush rabbit: So if neither of us actually have blood to begin with, then what on earth...  Vampire teddy bear: Yeah, I don't know either.

Given that all stuffed animals are effectively immortal and can subsist purely on love, cuddles, and the occasional invisible cookie, I'm pretty sure the need for one to become a vampire would be superfluous anyway. 

P.S.  On a completely unrelated note, I finished the RPM Challenge for the year (huzzah!), and you can listen to the finished product here

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

High School Lesson #4681

Is there anything on your proposed menu that isn't a fruit?  High School Lesson #4681: When trying to get a flying fox elected as student body president, you better be prepared for the consequences should you succeed.

I don't think I ever really knew who anyone in the student government at my high school was.  Or what they did.  Did they actually do anything, or was it all just an excuse to put up funny election posters?

Friday, February 9, 2018


A little girl walks in on her mother putting on lipstick.  Girl: Mom, can I ask a question?Mother: Absolutely.  Girl: Why is smearing colored paste around the opening where you shove in food considered attractive?  The mother is next shown sitting with some friends.  Mother: ...And that's how my daughter ruined lipstick for me.  Friend: It could be worse.  My kid ruined kissing for me.

I drew this a couple weeks back because it amused me, and I'm posting it now because I'm too tired to think of anything else.  Also, there's apparently some sort of holiday coming up that has to do with kissing (not the one with mistletoe, the other one), so it's somewhat relevant.  Ish. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Last Gift of Christmas

As the Christmas tree is removed, a thick trail of shedded needles is left in its wake.  Person 1:  Oh, look.  The tree left us a brand-new carpet.  Person 2:  I think I can hear the vacuum crying.

If you want, you can consider Candlemas (February 2nd) to be the lattermost end of the Christmas season.  You can even keep some of your decorations up until then.  But leaving up your Christmas tree is generally not recommended, particularly if you're the kind of person who puts it up at the beginning of December. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Averaged Out

Steve arrives at Mel's apartment: Hey, Mel!  Are you-  An ax comes flying out the door.  Pearl comes to retrieve it: Sorry!  'Scuse me, pardon me.  She runs back into the apartment.  Eat cold steel, you bloodsucker!  Mel hurries out and slams the door.  Steve: ...So, an average day for your roommates?  Mel: A bit better, actually.  But I don't want to be here when the assistant manager finds out they've smashed another chair.

Normal is subjective.  But it still probably shouldn't involve flying blades. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Lucky Me

Chandelier: Are you sure these are good luck?  Lady: That's what the humans say.  Chandelier: But why?  Lady: Beats me.  Bear: Shhh, here they come.  The humans exiting the house look down in horror as the cats at the bottom of the steps display their conquest.  Lady: We brought you some lucky rabbit feet!!!

Based on an incident that happened last summer, courtesy of the local cats.  The cream one is Chandelier, the black one is Comet, the gray one is Bear, and the brown one is Lady Nimbus, Duchess of Floof. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Highway Hazards

A driver on the highway is pretty calm despite dealing with maniac drivers (Relax.  I've got this.), road construction (Not too bad.  We should still get there in plenty of time.), and heavy fog (I can still see the lane lines and the guy in front of me.  We're fine.), but freaks out epically when the radio station cuts off the last minute of "Rosanna."  (Instrumental does not mean optional!!!  Passenger:  Eyes on the road, Frank.)

You've all heard it.  Intros cut.  Outros cut.  Bridges and interludes cut.  DJs talking over the music right up until the vocals come in.  Apparently someone thinks that listeners have the attention spans of fruit flies and can't handle anything that's instrumental or is over four minutes in length.  Oddly enough, "American Pie" is over eight minutes long, but has been spared the ignominy of the radio edit. 
Anyway.  A thousand shames on the heads of those responsible.  May the uncut version of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" haunt your dreams forevermore. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Neptune Knights

Mer-knights joust on narwhals
It had to happen eventually. 
All we need now are unicorns jousting while riding narwhals.  Or possibly triceratops, if I can come up with a good absurd enough explanation for why or how on earth a situation like that would come up.  I'll leave it to your judgment to decide whether I meant unicorns riding triceratops or triceratops riding narwhals. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Music of Starlight

Animation of mystic girl dancing in the snow under the stars

Some of you who have been reading my comics for while might have noticed that I failed to post a Christmas Day animation like I have in past years, and may have wondered if I forgot.  I didn't.  Due to a number of conflicts, it was only half-done by the 25th, so a postponement was deemed necessary.  And since the ninth day of Christmas is traditionally associated with ladies dancing, I figured that today was an appropriate time to post it.  So here it is!  Merry (ninth day of) Christmas, and a happy New Year!