Friday, December 27, 2019

Present Pass

Christmas Eve:  Underling:  You're hanging up a stocking?  I'm pretty sure Santa's just going to give you coal.  Super-Villain:  Oh, I'm counting on it.  I need coal for my plan to conquer the planet, and I'm sure I've earned lots of it.  The Next Morning...  Villain:  ...wilted Brussels sprouts and a Webern 8-track.  Underling:  Ooh, he's good.

He may be self-aware, but he's still a step behind.

From what I understand, the thing with Santa giving coal out to naughty children originated simply as a matter of convenience:  Santa fills stockings over the fireplace with goodies, and comes to one belonging to a poorly-behaved individual.  What to give them?  Oh, is that a coal bin by the fireplace?  Yeah, that'll do.  These days he's probably more likely to use some old corn chips he fished out from between the couch cushions.  Exceptions might be made for notorious repeat offenders.  Those require something... special.

If you're wondering about Webern (that's "Vay-burn"), he's a composer who specialized in atonal and twelve-tone "music."  Generally only music majors ever hear of him, and of those only about 1.2% actually like his work (and this is a generous estimate). 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pageant Tangent

Santa Claus (in Sinterklaas mode):  Before we begin our annual North Pole Nativity Pageant, I'd like to make it clear that once again, despite Pete's excessive requests, Herod and his excruciating death will not be in the play.  Black Pete:  But there's so much karma to be had!

There's always that one guy.

If you were wondering about how Herod died, let's just say that he got sick.  Really, really sick.  Exactly with what is up for debate, but the symptoms were nasty enough that I shall decline to elaborate.  But he really, really had it coming. 

    Friday, December 13, 2019


    A flustered mall Santa rushes into a back room, slamming the door behind him.  His hat and (fake) beard are askew.  Mall worker:  Are you okay?  Mall Santa:  I'm getting eaten alive out there!  I think there's more kids here than the population of New York!  Santa (off-camera):  Perhaps we can be of assistance.  Superhero-like shot of Santa and his crew, with a banner proclaiming "The Real Santa!"  Mall Santa:  You're a saint.  Santa:  Canonized.  Final panel shows Santa, Mrs. Claus, Snegurochka, and Grandfather Frost each handling a line of kids.  Black Pete also tries to start a line, but the kids are understandably wary, as his sign reads, "Black Pete, who totally won't sic a polar bear on you if you're naughty."

    Honorary Santas sometimes need help too.  Though maybe not from Black Pete. 

    Note:  Today's comic incomplete at present, due to technical difficulties. 
    Edit:  100% completion achieved.  I can go to bed now! 

    Friday, December 6, 2019


    Erin's brother organizes the Christmas ornaments.  Bro:  These guys are fighting... and over here they've formed a band!  Erin:  And you're doing what with the wisemen?  Bro:  Mwa-ha-ha.

    When decorating the Christmas tree, my sisters and I try to maximize sparkles and happiness.  A certain brother of mine has a ...different method of organizing things.  He claims to have no memory of doing this.  This was last year, by the way. 

    Friday, November 29, 2019


    A vampire is tied to a chair and forced to smell out and identify blood types at a blood drive.  Vampire:  *sniff sniff*  A-negative.  *sniff*  AB-negative.  *sniff sniff*  O-positive.  Volunteer:  The judge sentenced him to community service.

    A vampire in tow can be both a hematologist's worst nightmare and greatest weapon. 

    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Cart of the Joust

    Several employees from a supermarket engage in "shopping-cart jousting."  One year later, a new employee is looking over a list of rules:  "'No jousting while riding shopping-carts.'  That's a weirdly specific rule..."

    Dedicated to all sleep-deprived supermarket employees currently facing an onslaught of pre-holiday shoppers and the madness that comes with them, to the employees of stores in general who are trying to retain the will to live with Black Friday looming ahead, and to employees everywhere whose bosses can't permit a little semi-harmless letting off of steam. 

    Friday, November 15, 2019


    Top five signs that a kid has forced her parents to watch the same movie too many times.  The "signs" are five wordless panels showing the parents getting increasingly frustrated until they sacrifice the video (Fairy Baby Adventures) in the final panel.  5.  Parents are mildly annoyed  4.  Father tries to escape while a weary mother pulls him back into the room  3.  Father chugs a bottle of tabasco sauce while mother reads through The Anarchist Cookbook  2.  Mother huddles behind the couch in tears while father comforts her  1.  Sacrifice time

    Tabasco sauce was not meant to be used in this fashion.  Of course, neither was ritualistic sacrifice.  Clearly the rule book was not prepared for every eventuality. 

    Friday, November 8, 2019

    Uniformly Drab

    Honest advertising of beige housing communities:  "Identical homes in their naturally horrifically ugly beige glory!"

    Finally, some honesty in advertising.  If it's a "neutral" color, shouldn't it induce merely shrugs instead of utter revulsion? 

    This sort of thing is bad enough under normal circumstances.  However, I've traveled through some areas in which there is not only an excessive display of cookie-cutter beige-blah housing, but are also in climates where in fall and early spring, the landscape is the exact same "color."  Admittedly, I think the dead grass pulled it off better. 

    Friday, November 1, 2019

    It's Not Safe To Dance

    Carmine dances to a song ("Hot Blooded"), and then realizes that Mel and Pearl are filming her.  Carmine:  How long have you been there?  Mel:  Long enough?  Carmine:  Oh.  Um... hi, internet!

    If you feel the impulse do something that could wreck your reputation as a fearsome supernatural predator... lock your doors first. 

    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Transportation Frustration

    Odin approaches Freya and Hel, with ghost soldiers in the background.  Odin:  I've gathered the soldiers for Valhalla.  Are you two finished yet?  Hel:  There's been a slight setback.  Freya:  Because somebody let her dog come along.  Hel:  Oh, and not because somebody decided to have her chariot pulled.  By.  KITTENS?!?  Hel's dog is shown to have chased Freya's chariot cats up a tree.

    Maybe they're both Viking death goddesses, but that doesn't mean they get along.  Especially when pets are involved. 

    So from what I understand, the Norse had an interesting way of dividing up the dead:  half of those who die bravely go with Odin to Valhalla, the other half go with Freya to Folkvangr, and the ones who hide behind rocks making sock puppets while their friends get killed are trotted down to Helheim.  Or something like that, depending on who's telling the story. 

    P.S.  Happy Halloween!

    Friday, October 18, 2019


    Persephone decks out Cerberus in flowers, while Hades rolls his eyes and smiles.

    Only the wife can get away with this.

    Keep in mind that they're immortal, and this is probably not the first (or the hundredth) time that Persephone's gotten into a mood.  Cerberus may be more patient than we realized. 

    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Canopic Chip

    Isis finds Osiris having a coughing fit.  Isis:  Are you okay?  Osiris:  Ugh, it feels like there's something stuck in my... lungs...  They look over to where his canopic jars are.  Osiris gingerly opens the lid of one of them, and pulls out a cookie, to their dismay.  Isis facepalms, while Osiris shouts to someone out of view.  Osiris:  Horus, this wasn't a cookie jar!  Horus (from off-panel):  Sorry!

    Today's snicker-doodle is brought to you by Osiris (mummified King of the Underworld), and his wife, Isis (she-who-wears-a-chair-on-her-head). 

    Fun fact:  often, especially in the later years of Ancient Egypt, canopic jars weren't actually used for holding innards - they just kept them around as empty, ceremonial jars.  Which leads to the question of how often people were tempted to covertly stash stuff inside them. 

    Friday, October 4, 2019

    Hedge Your Bets

    The Grim Reaper performs his hedge-trimming services, using his scythe.

    Grim Reaper Hedge-Trimming Services:  Your satisfaction guaranteed or your life!  ...wait, that didn't come out right...

    For those of you just joining us, the month of October is host to the annual Deities of Death Fest, born as a consequence of excessive vampire jokes made during the rest of the year.  I'm pretty sure whoever coined the phrase "laughing in the face of death" didn't have this in mind, but here we are.  The usual brand of absurdity will resume after Halloween. 

    Thursday, October 3, 2019

    Data Divide (Special Announcement!)

    Some of you may have already seen, but if not, I'm happy to announce that my new story, Data Divide, is available with its soundtrack on Bandcamp!

    This is a 75-page graphic novel about Elec (a rare sentient computer program), his mom (a human programmer named Sonia), and a program created by a different lab (who is trying to kill everyone).

    Now the bad news is, I won't be putting it on this blog, for several reasons:  first, it's longer than "A Slight Miscalculation" and "Holly's Hallelujah" combined.  Second, I literally spent all summer and then some on it, and given how much stuff I've released for free, I don't think asking for compensation for this one is particularly unfair.
    But third, and most importantly, this is a blog dedicated to silliness and happy stuff, and Data Divide definitely falls into the "bittersweet" category (the ending is fairly happy, but given the killer A.I. on the loose, casualties are expected on the way there).  Thus, I can't in good conscience stick it here.

    Don't worry, I'll definitely put more stories on here in the future.  In the meantime, here's something I doodled while working on this project, featuring Elec and Lea (a non-sentient program).  It never made it into the story proper, due to time constraints, but I can see it happening:

    Lea waves her hand in the empty space where Elec's neck should be, to his irritation:  "Stop that."

    Yeah, programs have weird anatomy.

    Thanks, everybody!

      Friday, September 27, 2019

      Written in Chalk

      A student writes lines on the chalkboard as punishment.  However, the sentence he's writing says he won't repeat a ludicrously specific incident.  "I will not sneak into the administrative offices, steal a book, and use it in an arcane ritual that rips a hole between dimensions, thereby releasing horrors onto campus, disrupting class, angering a local horde of vampires, and terrorizing a bus full of puppies."

      When you need to drive home the fact that a student has just exercised an appalling lack of common sense, and you're not allowed to make him flat-out write "I am an idiot" a hundred times, there's this. 

      Friday, September 20, 2019

      Waxwork Like Clockwork

      girl 1 (flipping through TV channels):  Dance in the Wax Museum.  Could be good.  girl 2:  I'll pass.  I don't like horror movies.  1:  You know this one?  2:  Never heard of it.  1:  Then how do you know its a horror movie?  2:  Are there any light, fluffy, happy movies that center around wax museums?  1:  ...No...  2:  Then it's a horror movie.  Later:  girl 1 enters the room where girl 2 is reading a book.  Girl 1 is wide-eyed and frazzled.  1:  It was a horror movie.

      Having a building full of uncannily realistic yet distinctly un-alive figures is off-putting enough without the history behind some of the stuff associated with wax art.  You know, like death masks.  And voodoo dolls.  And recreations of disease and anatomy for medical students.  And the "chamber of horrors" which a significant percentage of wax museums possess. 
      Honestly, it would be a lot weirder if there weren't any horror movies involving them. 

      Friday, September 13, 2019

      High School Lesson #0008

      High School Lesson #0008:  Watch where you're going.  (a guy stops a girl carrying a huge pile of books from walking into a wendigo)

      Face it, a lamppost is not the worst thing you could run into (and facing it will help prevent you from running into things in the first place). 

      Friday, September 6, 2019

      Claws for Concern

      Hikers see a cougar, a buffalo, a bear, a moose, and several wolves (one writing a Will) up a tree, hiding from something.  "I have the feeling we're not appropriately terrified."

      If some wolves start coming after you, don't run, because if you run, they will chase, and they're a lot faster than you are. 
      But if some wolves are running from something else...  run like there's no tomorrow, or you really might not see it. 

      Friday, August 30, 2019

      Off to Battle

      A woman in military dress:  Okay, soldier!  I don't want to hear any whining or excuses out of you.  There's a battle out there, and you are going to go out there and fight to your very last breath!  Do you hear me?!?  She's shown to be talking to herself in a mirror, smiles, and takes off her hat.  She's next shown to be in a Kindergarten classroom, where she is the teacher, and gets mobbled by students.    Kid 1:  Hi, Miss Jory!  Kid 2:  Look what I can do with my tongue!  Kid 3:  I jumped in a puddle, and now my shoes are wet.  Kid 4:  Can we play with the blocks?  Kid 5:  Say something silly!  Kid 6:  I saw a bird!  Kid 7:  Ooh!  Are we painting today?

      Or in other words, bring out the animal crackers!  It's already a circus!

      I've managed to avoid most direct interactions with kindergarten classes since I got out of elementary school, but looking back I think my teacher must have had superpowers. 

      Friday, August 23, 2019

      We Just Came for the Cake

      Aliens in a flying saucer abduct a wedding cake, to the bride's fury.

      Just a very serious reconnaissance mission to observe Earthling culture.  Yep. 

        Friday, August 16, 2019

        Fangs for Brushing

        Two vampires prepare to brush their teeth, one with an absurd amount of toothpaste on her brush.  "You can take chances."

        Given that fangs are the most prominent feature of the typical vampire, I'd kind of be surprised if they didn't develop some rather elaborate dental-care rituals. 

        Friday, August 9, 2019

        PiƱata Hockey

        A pair of ice hockey teams go after a moose pinata, with candy spilling everywhere

        A violent sport involving whacking things with a stick and a violent party game involving whacking things with a stick are now merged into a single, glorious, sugar-coated disaster in the making. 

        And it was good. 


        Friday, August 2, 2019

        Swimming Gag

        "Look!  I learned to do something besides running!" This tasteless doodle was brought to you by the author of Dilettante Comics, who was too tired to come up with anything better.  See you next week, if I wake up.

        Predictable and probably done before, but here we are.  My future self will probably look at this and cringe, but my present self is past the point of caring. 

        Friday, July 26, 2019

        Mechanical Machination

        Washing machine:  I'm sorry, everyone.  I just can't hold out any longer.  Furnace:  I cannot live if you must die!  Freezer:  Don't leave me here alone!  Homeowner:  Why is everything dying at the same time?!?

        Appliances are very needy.  Need to be cleaned.  Need to have maintenance.  Need a steady balanced diet of electricity  Need a kiss and a hug whenever they get damaged, or they whine like no other.  They have very fragile psyches, which you wouldn't expect from things like a two-ton industrial refrigerator, but there you go. 

        Friday, July 19, 2019

        High School Lesson #2644

        High School Lesson #2644:  Summer school should be avoided, but not for the reasons you're thinking of. (A group of students cower behind a teacher's desk, which marmot shadows are projected on the wall behind them.  "The marmots are holding us for hostage, and they have muskets!")

        Go to summer school to fix up your Algebra 2 skills.  Come back having learned survival, strategy, teamwork, and basic warfare.  It's all educational. 

        Friday, July 12, 2019

        Friday, July 5, 2019

        Trifolium Tritium

        Two kids are in a field, the girl picking clover.  Boy: There used to be clover growing around my house, but then there was a nuclear accident in the front yard.  Now we have glowver.  A pair of superheroes fly overhead.  Boy: ...Also, my parents have superpowers now.

        It's not often that bad puns and superhero origin stories cross paths.  Maybe for good reason. 

        Friday, June 28, 2019

        Pet Names

        An enthusiastic little girl squees over her new pet bunny.  Girl:  Oh my goodness, you are the most adorable widdle bunny in the whole wide world!  Yes, you are!  I'm gonna name you "Bon-Bon!"  Rabbit:  I think I'll name you "Noisy."

        All things considered, "That Person Who Feeds Me" isn't the worst thing your pet could call you. 

        Friday, June 21, 2019


        Mel:  What's that?  Carmine:  Assignment for one of my botany classes.  I'm supposed to care for it for the next week.  Pearl:  Bloodwort, huh?  Carmine:  You're not even looking at it.  Pearl:  Don't have to.  I don't even know what they look like.  Carmine:  Stop assuming things!  Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean everything I'm involved in has to do with blood.  Mel:  So what kind of plant is it?  Carmine:  ...a bloodwort.  For the record, it's not even edible.

        Some reputations are pretty well-deserved.

        And yes, bloodworts got their name from having red sap... which happens to be highly toxic.  Good for use as a dye.  Not-so-good for a snack. 

        Friday, June 14, 2019

        Ice Cream Grown

        Cutaway image of ice cream cones growing in the garden, with the ice cream above ground and the cones serving as roots below.  Behind them a pair of creamsicles are growing.

        There's more than one way to make an ice cream cone, and this way you can justify the end result as vegetables. 

        Friday, June 7, 2019


        Girl:  This summer I'm going to read every baked goods murder mystery series the library has.  Guy:  That's... very specific.  Should take you, what, two days?  Girl drops an enormous stack of books on the table.  Guy:  Holy...!  Girl:  Let us begin.

        There's some very specific genres out there that you wouldn't think there would even be one book of, let alone several, but there they are.  For instance, Nascar Christmas romance anthologies.  Yes, really.

          Friday, May 31, 2019

          The Most Important Lesson

          A teacher asks students, "What did you get out of this class?"  Answers start out all inspirational, like, "the Meaning of Life," and "a sense of responsibility," devolve into more average ones like, "a passing grade," and finish up with, "Your login credentials."

          I hear that teachers often learn more than their students.  Not sure if this is one of those times or not.
          Though maybe we should be more concerned over how the teacher hasn't caught onto the fact that not a single student has indicated what the class is actually on.

          Friday, May 24, 2019

          Red Rider

          Wolf:  Out alone in the woods, are we?  Little Red:  Ooh!  A wolf!  See, Grandma made me this riding cape-  Wolf:  Huh?  Red:  -but we don't have horses or anything else I can ride, and it always seemed like such a pity-  Wolf:  What?  Red:  -but you're just the right size, and you can keep me safe from scary things in the forest!  Wolf:  Now hold up-!  Cut to Red riding the wolf up to her grandmother's house.  Her grandma is working in her flower garden, and looks up in confusion.  Red:  Hi, Grandma!  Mom and I baked you some cookies!  Wolf (muttering under his breath):  "Stay with the pack," the Alpha said.  "Leave little kids alone," the Alpha said.  But did I listen?  Noo-ooo!  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb...

          Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go! 
          My wolf knows the way, and he better pray this doesn't stay status quo.

            Friday, May 17, 2019


            An owner pulling her dog by the leash is paralleled with a lady pulling her boyfriend by the tie.

            I don't know for sure, but I strongly suspect that modern men's formalwear was invented by a woman.

              Friday, May 10, 2019


              Doc 1:  Dang it!  The vampires broke in again!  Doc 2:  Maybe now would be a good time to test out my invention.  Doc 1:  Your invention?  Doc 2:  I made a mixture of stuff that's toxic to vampires - you know, garlic, hawthorn, wild rose, holy water...  Doc 1:  Yeah?  Doc 2:  I got it to look similar to real blood, so we can fill an IV pack with it and use it as a countermeasure.  Doc 1:  Wait a minute...  Doc 2:  I mean, I know doctors are supposed to do no harm, but...  Doc 1:  Hold it.  Are you saying you invented a poison IV?  Doc 2:  Erm...  Doc 1:  Is all this just so you could make a bad pun?  Doc 2:  That's not entirely true!

              Wars are won and lost in the name of a good pun.

              And yes, vampires being allergic to roses really is a thing.  I bet that could lead to a lot of interesting promotional sales at florist shops. 

              Friday, May 3, 2019

              Frankenstein's Comic

              What should I draw this week?  Erin flips through her list of comics ideas, and notices three in a row that strangely seems to flow together.  She slams them together into "Disco camouflage rabbit in a habit thinks WD-40 is a tax form."

              So I keep a list of all the ideas I come up with for future comics in a text document, and sometimes weird things happen.  I actually noticed this coincidence a while ago, but had to wait until I was too tired to veto this as a stupid idea. 

              Friday, April 26, 2019

              High School Lesson #2156

              The janitor confronts the crazy geometry teacher: I summon the forces of order and cleanliness to smite you!!!  High School Lesson #2156:  Don't make an enemy of the janitor.

              Yes, this is a continuation of last week, because I think we all knew it was coming.  The insanity plea can only pacify the janitor to a certain point when there's fry sauce on the walls. 

              Friday, April 19, 2019

              Friday, April 12, 2019

              Scream Sundae

              Mel starts out working on her homework at the kitchen table, but as Carmine starts gathering ingredients, she gets both queasy and uncomfortable, and eventually packs up and heads out the front door.  Carmine:  Let's see...  strawberries... blood sauce... pecans... black pudding... whipped cream... giblets...  Mel (to Pearl):  She's celebrating getting a good grade on her test.  Carmine:  This ice cream sundae will be the pinnacle of modern achievement!  Pearl (entering the apartment):  Is that haggis?

              Anything theoretically edible can be used as an ice cream topping.  That doesn't mean it should be. 

              Friday, April 5, 2019

              Cretaceous Concert

              Student:  Here's the piece I wrote.  Do you think we can play it?  Band Director:  Let's have a look.  "Concerto for Parasaurolophus."  Interesting concept.  So how are you going to replicate dinosaur sounds?  Student:  Umm...  The director notices that the score has a part written for an actual Parasaurolophus.  Director:  I recall that the court ordered that time machine destroyed.  Student (grinning sheepishly):  Technically it's a different one.  Behind them, some other students try to lead a Parasaurolophus into the room.

              After the sheet music mix-ups, frozen French horns, jalapeƱo jam, flood, and tromboon, you'd think that high school band couldn't get much weirder.  Challenge accepted.

              At least it ought to get him extra credit in both band and science class. 

              Friday, March 29, 2019

              This is the Real Life

              Saturday, 8:35 AM:  Finally drag myself out of bed.  8:45 AM:  Come downstairs and find my sister and a baby goat sitting on the couch, watching a horror movie together.  8:45 PM:  Realize that other people might have assumed they were still dreaming and have gone back to bed.

              A few of my family's goats recently had babies.  While several of the new kids act like little puppies, the runt of the group has taken this to ridiculous extremes, having managed to get himself essentially adopted by my sister.  He still spends most of his time outside with his real mom and siblings, though, which is good because there's no way a week-old baby goat is going to be housebroken.  Also because I'm still a little worried about the possibility that he absorbed some of that movie.  I rule out nothing.  

              Friday, March 22, 2019

              The Mandatory Red Button

              Scientist:  ...and whatever you do, don't push the red button.  The understudy immediately pushes the red button.  Understudy (as they're carried away by the resulting explosion):  Did I mention that I'm colorblind?  Scientist:  The button in question was padlocked and had "Will Start Self-Destruct" written in bold letters in four languages over it.

              It's always a red button that's not supposed to be pushed.  Not green or yellow or puce.  Red.  And it inevitably gets pushed before the movie or book or TV show or comic is through.  Is there some kind of law about this?  Will I get arrested by the Red Button Police if I include a should-push red button in a story?  Personally, I think a big, red button that initiates a cookie-baking sequence is a great idea. 

              Friday, March 15, 2019

              Manner of Speaking

              A vampire tries to talk to his mother while in the middle of chomping on a victim.  Kid (muffled):  Hey, Mom?  After I finish my snack, can you help me with my homework?  Mother:  Don't talk with your mouth full.

              Twelve out of ten victims agree that manners are important, no matter what your diet is. 

              Friday, March 8, 2019

              Cop Stop

              I've never been pulled over, but I suspect that these are all extremely bad ways to try and get out of a ticket.  Nobody test this. 

              Friday, March 1, 2019


              A little Martian girl has a tea party with the Mars rovers Spirit and Curiosity.

              Just for the record, I did not come up with this idea just so I could make a pun.  Originally I was going to have the Martian girl having tea with just the rover Sojourner (a.k.a. the cute tiny one), but switched it to Curiosity and Spirit so I could have more than one rover at the party, since those two happen to be in relatively close proximity to each other.  I should also note that I was planning on doing this long before news got out that Opportunity, Spirit's twin, had shut down (Spirit itself got stuck in a sandtrap and had to end its mission years ago). 
              So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is simply a tribute to science, exploration, and the people who think heavy-duty space machines are adorable (which yes, includes myself). 

              Friday, February 22, 2019

              Cleaning Up

              Anni and Andrew are browsing a convenience store just as a guy is trying to rob it.  Robber:  Hand over everything you've got!  And don't try anything funny.  Anni:  May I?  Andrew:  You may.  When the police finally arrive, they find that Anni has...  Cop:  You mopped the floor with him... literally?  Robber:  Can I go to jail now?

              The laws of funny are not a force to be trifled with, nor is the cartoon deer who will exploit them at every available opportunity. 

              Friday, February 15, 2019

              Rite of Passage

              A 20th-century mom embarrasses her kid by showing off his baby pictures to his date.  Mom:  ...And here's some pictures from when he was three.  Date:  Nice bubble-mowhawk.  Son (double-facepalming):  Mother!  A 21st-century mom embarrasses her kid by showing the dumb comments he posted online as a highschooler to his date.  Mom:  ...And here's some comments he posted online when he was fourteen.  Date:  I didn't know you were so passionate about Warriors.  Son (about ready to tear his hair out):  MOM!!!

              A picture is worth a thousand words, what you put on the internet can and will be held against you, and never underestimate a mother's resources.

              Friday, February 8, 2019

              Out of Order

              Steve and Mel order food at Pulsar Pasta.  Worker:  So that's one rotini with Martian marinara sauce, and one fettuccine with Altair alfredo.  What else can I get for you today?  Steve and Mel notice several vampires congregating outside the building.  Both:  Extra garlic.

              There's several reasons why Steve and Mel frequent Pulsar Pasta, and this is one of them. 

              Friday, February 1, 2019

              Friday, January 25, 2019

              Invasive Species

              A guy buying a ski lift pass notices a sign reading, "Warning:  Losing your snowboard down the hill risks the safety of both you and others."  Guy:  What's with that?  Desk attendant:  Well-  Worker:  Snowboards are an invasive species.  If they escape into the wild, they'll multiply and wreck the ecosystem irreparably.  Cut to an image of wildlife fleeing a pack of snowboards.  The guy and attendant exchange glances. Both:  Sure.  We'll go with that.

              Mankind has unleashed many terrible things upon the world.  Coal ash contamination.  Riced cauliflower.  The 1970s.  But the threat of feral snowboard packs surpasses all of that.  
              So do your part.  Monitor your snowboard's activity, and report any wild snowboard sightings to the authorities immediately.  

              Thank you. 

              Friday, January 18, 2019

              Optimistically Honest

              A Mom bursts into her daughter's bedroom, singing, "Good morning!  It's a stormy day, the sky is cloudy, the wind is howling, and you're going to be miserable waiting for the bus!"  The kid looks appropriately distressed.

              Parents generally only say the first two words, but kids still hear the other twenty-two. 

              Friday, January 11, 2019

              Ice Scream

              Girl: Mom!  An ice monster is trying to eat our house!  Mother: The icicles are just sliding off the roof.  They do look a little like teeth, though.  Outside, a giant wendigo really is eating the house, its teeth hanging over the windows.

              It occurs to me that this may be the most horrifying thing I've posted on here, other than that incident from figure drawing class.  But to be fair, there's a wendigo here.  Vampires and zombies have nothing on giant, cannibalistic, winter monsters. 
              The good news is that they're not invincible.  Experts agree that they can be countered with heat, sunshine, and Beach Boys music. 

              Friday, January 4, 2019

              Vital Fluids

              A vampire chomps directly on a maple tree.  He mumbles to a confused bystander, "Don't judge me."

              I know it's a little early for harvesting maple sap (or at least according to what I've read, since I don't live in Vermont), but I couldn't resist.  Though I have to wonder, if this makes sap "tree blood," does it also make blood "people sap?"
              I won't go any further with this tangent, as I'm certain it won't lead anywhere in good taste (pun not exactly intended).